Substance Abuse Counseling in Marietta, GA

Often substance abuse begins as a way of coping. We either are trying to self-soothe due to stress and find some relaxation, or we are trying to reach a state where we are not thinking about trauma or distress. A simple decision to come home and engage in a substance and/or behavior to find some relief can snowball into abuse and dependency. Before it is realized, an addiction has formed, and we are caught in a cycle of choices and behaviors.

Asking the Right Questions During Substance Abuse Counseling

In our work, we need to identify what our relationship is with the substance that is being abused or depended on. It is important to ask some questions about when we engage it, and what does it for us – because it does do something for us even if it isn’t healthy and/or safe. We also have to identify the pattern, or cycle, that allows for this to continue.

You are making a strong and vulnerable decision to reach out for help. We do not take that likely. We are not here to judge. We are here to help. We are here to help you have the quality of life that you deserve and desire. It may not seem like it could be different than it is now. It can. You need someone to walk with you and support you. The benefit of coming to Foundry Counseling is you have the confidentiality and the expertise to help you navigate this.

Our Approach to Substance Abuse Counseling In Marietta, GA

Substance Abuse treatment is provided in Foundry Counseling using evidenced-based practices that can assist you in making personal decisions about your relationship with substances that fits with your life and health. This can range from deciding on what limits you want to choose on substance use in your life to decide not to use, depending on what works best on an individual basis. This is based on research supporting that people who make their own informed decisions are more successful in achieving a life that is healthy and fulfilling.

Exploring Healthy Alternatives to Substance Use

We do this by supporting the exploration of what purpose the substances are serving in your life and learning healthy alternatives in circumstances if and where the substances are no longer serving in a helpful manner. We provide decision-making education and skill development to ensure that this decision is thoughtfully made and healthy for the person engaged in treatment.

Evaluation of Needed Services

We can also provide an evaluation to determine if outpatient services are the right fit versus more intensive options. We use the ASAM criteria as a model for the level of care determinations. Our concerns always center around what options provide the best outcome for the individual based on what they need.

We have a Master Addictions Counselor, Karla Frazier, LCSW, in the practice who has more than thirty years of experience with substance abuse and is nationally certified by NAADAC.

Confidentiality is a high priority in the practice and is maintained around a person’s substance use history and treatment involvement.


Interested in Starting Substance Abuse Counseling in Marietta, GA?

Substance Abuse Counseling is a proven treatment modality for addressing problem behaviors in order to overcome them and get started on the path to living your best life. At Foundry Counseling our Substance Abuse Therapists are trained in the application of substance abuse services and utilize them regularly with our clients. If you are struggling with substance abuse and can’t do this on your own, reach out. Follow the steps below to get started!

Other Therapy Services Offered At Foundry Counseling in Marietta, GA

In addition to Substance Abuse Counseling, we also offer a wide range of services to fit any need. These include First Responder Counseling, Christian Counseling, DBT, and Trauma Therapy. We offer a client-centered focus geared toward helping you overcome mental health challenges so you can begin living an authentic and fulfilled life.

A man sitting on his couch with a bottle and glass of alcohol sitting on the table in front of him clearly distressed representing someone struggling with substance abuse. Substance Abuse Counselling in Marietta, GA can help break the cycle.
Young man sitting by a window ledge with his hands around his knees representing someone who is struggling with substance abuse and could benefit from the support of Substance Abuse Counseling in Marietta, GA.
An individual walking down a tree lined path with their dog representing someone who has broken the bonds of substance abuse with the help of Substance Abuse Counseling in Marietta, GA.